Initiating his musical journey as a pianist, he achieved the completion of a Bachelor's Degree in Music in 2017, studying under the mentorship of Enrique Bagaría and Lluís Rodríguez. In 2020, he concluded his Master's in Lied Victoria de los Ángeles, honing his skills with guidance from Josep Surinyac and Francisco Poyato. Nevertheless, his educational path has encompassed active participation in an array of choral ensembles.
His choral engagement spans a noteworthy period, commencing at a mere age of 11. He has contributed to esteemed collectives including the Bach Collegium Barcelona, the Saulus Ensemble, the Capeia Reial de Catalunya with Jordi Savall, and the Amsterdam Barroque Choir under Ton Koopman's baton. Moreover, he has lent his talents to more intimate ensembles like Lorem Ipsum Ensemble, Tetraphilla Ensemble, and the Schola Cantorum Paradisi Portae.
Recently, he culminated his advanced studies at ESMuC (Barcelona), specializing in Historical Singing, and receiving distinction under the tutelage of Lambert Climent and Assumpta Mateu. His dedication has been acknowledged through the prestigious Pilar Lorengar - Ciudad de Zaragoza scholarship.
Presently, he continues his pursuit of excellence at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Basel), further enriching his artistic growth under the guidance of Carlos Mena.